Below are some photos from this month’s university project. The model box was a product of a collaborative group project. The task of inventing a piece of theatre or installation based on a given site in central London was set upon us. Our site was ‘Granary Square’ at the heart of the new Kings Cross Development. All elements of the performance and its planning had to be considered to the furthest extent, bar realising and staging the performance.
My group came up with a performance on the river named “The Lady With One leg and a Dog” – A piece of immersive theatre with the aim to embody this history of kings cross though its economic and social change.
To aid our communication of concept I set about making this model box.
The model box is a 1:00 representation of steps by Regents Canal, (Granary square, Kings Cross, London- see images The model is ply framed and constructed from plastic, balsa, and resin. For information on model making tips or enquiries please email me via the contact link above.
Boats and Timber Bridge are additions added by Hanna Gough- Stage Designer.
With thanks to David Todd- Kings Cross Estate, Events Logistics Manager for supplying me with details of the site.